aquamarine is associated with the sea and/or the exhilaration relaxation to bring. Aquamarine is calming, soothing, and cleansing, and inspires truths, trust and letting go.
Azurite is thought to be a very spiritual stone connecting you with your inner self and boosting your intuition.
Malachite is an important protection stone it can absorb negative energies and pollutants. Malachite can help balance mood swings, helping people to be responsible for one’s own actions, thoughts and feelings. Malachite is also thought to stimulate dreams.
Opel is an emotional stone and reflected the mood of the wearer. It encourages both freedom and independence. Opel is thought to stimulate originality and creativity.
Turquoise is a stone that I give to my friends. It is a stone of purification; it promotes self-realisation and assists creative problem-solving. It is the symbol of friendship and stimulates romantic love.