Stress Relief



Angelite is thought to promote feelings of peace and goodwill towards all beings and in helping you to voice your inner truth.

Black Tourmaline

Black Tourmaline is thought to banish negative thoughts and relieve anxiety by keeping you mindful of the present.

Blue Lace Agate

Blue Lace Agate is a very cooling and calming stone, endowing the wearer with a sense of peace and tranquillity. It assists with verbal expression of thoughts and feelings and is a great nurturing and supportive stone, that can help to neutralise anger.


Fluorite is thought to enhance protection reducing stress and transform negative energy into positive energy.


Lepidolite promotes balance, instils feelings of compassion, relieves anxiety (especially when paired with aquamarine) enhances peace calming and tranquillity during stressful times and aids in forgiveness. Lepidolite can instil feelings of comfort and safety and help health new friendships blossom.


Smithsonite is a stone through the motions, it helps with communication, it helps to openly express love for yourself and others smithsonite can help release deeply held emotional issue is no longer serving a purpose.


Sunstone instils good nature, height and intuition and allows the real self to shine through happily it dissipates fearfulness relieve stress and increases vitality.

  • Kyanite teardrop pendent

    1 in stock

    This is a beautiful shimmery stone that has subtle silver flecks running though it. Kyanite is said to bring balance tranquility and calm. I have stamped my mark on the back of this one flying downwards.